Green Light Transport Reliable & Efficient Transport Services

Green Light Transport is your trusted partner for all your transport and logistics needs in the UAE. We offer a wide range of services, including goods transportation, waste removal, excavation, and vehicle rentals. With a fleet of well-maintained vehicles and experienced drivers, we ensure timely deliveries and top-notch service. Whether you’re looking to transport heavy cargo or rent a vehicle for a short-term project, we are committed to providing reliable, safe, and cost-effective solutions for all your transport requirements.

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Our Services

We Provide


Waste removal

Excavation and landfilling

Goods transport

Vehicle rentals (hourly weekly or monthly) 


Six-wheel trucks




Boom loader

Recovery vehicles

Our Mission

Our Mission
“To provide reliable, efficient, and sustainable construction and transport solutions that exceed client expectations while contributing to the growth and development of the communities we serve.

Our Vision

To be a leading name in construction and transport services, recognized for innovation, quality, and commitment to excellence in every project we undertake.

Our Values

  • Integrity: Building trust through transparency and honesty in every interaction.
  • Excellence: Striving for the highest standards in service delivery.
  • Innovation: Continuously improving our processes and embracing modern technology.
  • Sustainability: Committed to environmentally responsible practices.

Our Success Project
That Inspire

We Help Your Business
To Become Stronger

We provide reliable construction and transport solutions tailored to meet your business needs. From waste removal to logistics, we ensure quality, efficiency, and excellence in every step..

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